With this in mind, Air New Zealand wanted to redefine how it’s organisation was structured and improve better ways of working for its staff and customers. A move to Agile, or ‘Full Potential’ ways of working would help fulfil this. With a global staff of over 10,000, the challenge was to onboard employees in a way that made them energised rather than fearful of this unfamiliar territory. How do we encourage Air New Zealanders to reach their ‘Full Potential’? Our people link our past, present and future. He aha te mea nui o te Ao? He tāngata, he tāngata, he tāngata. Our people are our potential. We created an identity treatment that encapsulated the sentiment of this powerful whakataukī. A live, online global event was beamed live to every staff member. Inspiring speakers from other organisations who’ve shifted to Agile, provided tips and shared the benefits of this new working style.